For me, the past year has been one full of change and growth. As you've noticed if you're still hanging around here, I haven't posted very much, and what I have posted is rather different from my previous ramblings. While I felt, for a time, that I needed to explain why I was suddenly silent, I realized that part of my silence grew from NOT needing or wanting to explain myself, and I decided to just ride it out.
There has been significant loss in the past year. And yet I am learning daily that when something is lost, it is for a reason. We don't lose things which are valuable to us.... Sometimes pain is just a part of life... we can choose to focus on pain, accept it into our existence, make it our friend and constant companion.... or we can choose to acknowledge it, learn what it has to teach us, and then turn our minds and hearts to other things. Eventually the pain walks away. Not without backward glances and the occasional scream... but it does leave.
There has been even more significant growth and happiness in the past year. I have begun seeking answers in earnest, and finding them in surprising places. My childhood and young adult years were a whirlwind of survival and flight. Now, as I near 30 (yes, still three years to go! ;), I have found acceptance. There is no more need to run, no need to fight for myself or push myself to be and do more/better/different... just a gentle embracing of the here and now. Of myself. Of those I love. Of those who inspire me. Of Truth. Of Beauty. Of Peace.
More changes await us this fall... our oldest child will start school. Our house will be finished and hopefully sold. We will move for the third time.... to where, we are not yet sure.
But change is good. And better when it's with those you love.
I'm looking forward to this next year and all it will bring...
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