Daughter is quite close to potty training, I think. Just before her second birthday, she started taking her diaper off at random times during the day and running around naked, grabbing her tiny little butt and grinning like a cheshire cat. I asked her if she wanted to stop wearing diapers, and she said yes. So I searched high and low for teeny tiny underwear to fit her 20 lb. frame (apparently she's supposed to be only 18 months old, and we all know 18 mo babies still wear diapers ;). The EC underwear was so pricey that I just about gave up... but finally I found these and these, and we were good to go. Talk about an exciting birthday present for a two-year-old girl. NOT. ;)
Of course, as is always the case, as soon as I was fully prepared, she decided she was done with trying to use the potty for peeing or pooping, opting instead to deny a wet diaper and request a change after pooping.
Today, she was vacuuming when she suddenly announced "POOPING!"
As always, I asked her if she would like to go to the potty to poop, and she said no.
Once she was done, she promptly announced that she needed a diaper, and headed to grab the wipes for me.
When she lay down for her change, I asked her when she was going to stop pooping in her diaper and start pooping in the potty like a big girl.
With her beautiful little smile, she shrugged her shoulders at me, raised her hands up and said, "Someday."
And I guess that's as good an answer as any. As with all other things, we're waiting for her lead on this and trusting that when she's ready to do something she will.
Until then, she'll just grab me the wipes, we'll pick out a diaper color, and I'll keep those cute little undies in the closet.
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