Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Catching up, slowly but surely!

Well, it certainly has been a while since I've logged in here! I've still been taking pictures, but finding the time in the evening to edit them when I have so many other things I want to read and do has been tricky.

We haven't been "busy" persay -- our days are blissfully calm and quiet most of the time -- but I've been working hard on being present in everything and not dividing my attention into too many pieces. So while I still do pop in and out of facebook, my emailing and blogging have -- as you've probably noticed -- all but stopped. I've finally replied to all the emails waiting for me, and now I'm here sorting through pictures and planning out the next few posts. I have some fun projects to share and cute pictures to edit, so it may take me a little while to get them up, but I am working on it!

In the meantime, I thought I'd put up my reading list so you can see where my thoughts are these days. I've been loading a lot onto my Kindle recently, as it's proved to be the most economical in terms of cost and space (we all know I'm not very good at getting rid of books...even if it's been years since I've read them;). Lately, my reading material has been focused on Simplicity Parenting, simplifying space and lifestyle, and a movement called Radical Homemaking -- which isn't really new, though the name was new at least to me.

Oh, and Lady Bug is now using sign language for both "milk" and "more" -- really, the only two words she needs. ;) She's now following in her Daddy's baby-footsteps and nursing just about every twenty minutes all day long. ;) I don't get much done, but we do get lots of cuddles! Every time she sees me she reaches her little hands up and opens and closes her fist, asking to nurse -- even if she's not really hungry, she wants to know it's available to her!

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