Monday, February 7, 2011


I keep promising myself that I will begin and keep up with baby books for my children. Four years in, it's time for me to accept that perhaps baby books are just not going to be my thing. I am, however, determined that there be some record of these precious early years -- something beyond the facebook statuses of cute sayings and the occasional photo I manage to snap and stick in an album when I still remember the month it was taken.

Lately I've been inspired by this blog and have decided that perhaps this is the format for me. Some text, some photos, lots and lots of family memories for my kids, my husband, and myself to look back on with happiness in the years to come. If you happen on this blog and read, welcome. But this is primarily a space for me to record with intense love, the honor and privilege of my time as wife, homemaker, mommy for our little family.

Here will be stored the updates and photos of the kids, crafts, meals, clothing ensembles, activities and whatever else strikes my fancy.

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